My Not-so-Green Thumb
Growing Up Baptist
The Year of the Gypsy
How a One-Eyed Hairy Monk Can Help to Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
Celebrating the New Year Japanese Style
Half Japanese: Part 1 The Big Move
The Realities of Being Half (ハーフ) : Part One - Being Half American in America
Training of Champions! The Spartan Training of the Murao Siblings
Question #4: Why did Sanshiro begin Judo? Was it destined to be?
What's in a Name - Part 2: Why did you name him Sanshiro? Did you think he would do Judo?
Question #3: What's In a Name? Part 1
Question 2: Sanshiro is tall! Where did he get his height from?
DNA Part 3: It is not over until the strong women say so!
DNA Part 2: Revenge of the Murao Family!
Question #1: Where does Sanshiro get his amazing athletic ability? ....Is it in his DNA?
Welcome to my New Blog! Judo Mom.....The Murao Story